"The birthday boy will spoil our celebration of his birthday if he is around."
The Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu:
“Many people will celebrate on December 25 but will find no room for Jesus on the special day.”
"The reason why Jesus can't find room for his Gospel, which he embodied in his person at his first coming, is closely analogous to that which he encountered in his birth - namely that people's hearts are preoccupied.”
"They are filled to the brim with their own agendas already. And we, who are his followers, so poorly represent the worth and largeness of Christ and his Gospel.
Instead of putting Jesus at the centre of our lives, "we leave him at the margins."
"Many celebrate Jesus Christ's birthday, but don't want him to be present," he continued. "The birthday boy will spoil our celebration of his birthday if he is around."
“Many people will celebrate on December 25 but will find no room for Jesus on the special day.”
"The reason why Jesus can't find room for his Gospel, which he embodied in his person at his first coming, is closely analogous to that which he encountered in his birth - namely that people's hearts are preoccupied.”
"They are filled to the brim with their own agendas already. And we, who are his followers, so poorly represent the worth and largeness of Christ and his Gospel.
Instead of putting Jesus at the centre of our lives, "we leave him at the margins."
"Many celebrate Jesus Christ's birthday, but don't want him to be present," he continued. "The birthday boy will spoil our celebration of his birthday if he is around."
2 kommentarer:
So sad but so true!
Maria, Klockan
lördag, december 26, 2009 1:48:00 em
I Jesu Namn,
O, store Gud när vi din Son beskådar
där han ligger ren i krubbans halm
hur Han redan där har tagit på sig
mandom, kött och kära moderns famn
hur Han där Re´n allting ont förtager
som har plågat Adams barn sen deras fall
Då brister själen ut i lovsångs ljud, O store Gud, O store Gud;.;
O Jesus Krist, din rena barndoms dagar får vi njuta se´n i Himmelen,
redan nu din livsfrukt över jorden lovar Gud i Helig Andes rena dyra Namn.
Allting ont har ju din korsdöd sonat prisat vare Jesus o ditt Namn
som ännu bär dem som i tron vill vandra och alla kallar till din trogna famn
Nu brister själen ut i lovsångs ljud Tack, Gode Gud, Tack, Gode Gud
; : ;
När du nu i Himlen och på jorden förhärligat din Gode Faders Namn så kan ock syndfull bitter plågad människa här på jorden finna hem och hamn
Tills du kommer slutligt för att kalla hem till Himlens ljusa sköna land
Där brister sjäeln ut i lovsångs ljud Pris ske o Gud, Pris ske o Gud; :; Mel. O store Gud
mvh ufagerholm
Anonym, Klockan
lördag, december 26, 2009 9:54:00 em
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